“Safe Menstruation: Right and Dignity” is a Menstrual Hygiene Management campaign initiated by GUTHI. The campaign focuses on promoting menstrual hygiene awareness and breaking irrelevant menstrual myths and taboos. GUTHI will be running a social media campaign through facebook. Many youths and relevant personalities have been supporting GUTHI.
We encourage everyone to join this campaign participating in the various activities and events through the following links;
Visit page: https://www.facebook.com/guthinp/ and https://www.facebook.com/periodtalks/
Write to us for more E-mail: mail@guthi.net
काठमाडौँ — त्रिचन्द्र कलेजस्थित युवा रेडक्रस सर्कलको भवनमा मुस्कान तेयुङ शनिबार सेनेटरी प्याड बनाउन सिक्दै थिए । स्नातक दोस्रो वर्षमा अध्ययनरत उनले स्कुलमा स्वास्थ्य किताबमा पढे पनि व्यवहारमा लागू नभएको बताए ।
Read more: सेनेटरी प्याड बनाउन सिक्दैकाठमाडौ : महिनावारी तथा महिनावारी स्वच्छता सम्बन्धी बिषयलाई सञ्चारमाध्यमहरुले स्थान दिदैनन् भन्ने एक अध्ययनले देखाएको छ । महिनावारी स्वच्छता व्यवस्थापनसँग सम्बन्धित मुद्दाहरु अगाडि बढाउनका लागि वाटर एडको सहयोगमा मित्र समाजले गरेको सञ्चार अनुगमन प्रतिवेदनले यस्तो देखाएको हो ।
Read more: महिनावारी स्वच्छताको बिषयलाई मिडियाले स्थान दिदैन : सञ्चार अनुगमन प्रतिवेदन- Tsering D Gurung, Kathmandu
Twenty-five-year-old Rajina Shrestha ticks all the boxes of a modern Nepali woman. She is educated, opinionated and fiercely independent. But like thousands of others belonging to that troupe, she has not been able to reject one practice: observing menstrual restrictions every month.
Published at : August 7, 2019
The internet, mobile apps and the gynaecologists’ office have greatly aided adolescent girls learn about their sexual and reproductive health.
When blood streamed down her thighs, 11-year-old Shrijana Dutta thought she had cancer. Her thighs and private parts were covered in blood. Frantic, she locked herself in the bathroom and cried all night. It was only when her aunt found her on the bathroom floor the next morning did she find out that she had had her first periods.
Read more: Do young girls know their bodies?२५ बैशाख २०७६, बुधबार १८:०२
काठमाडौ : महिनावारी स्वच्छता व्यवस्थापनको समस्या र चुनौतीका बिषयमा नीति निर्माता, विशेषज्ञ, वास क्षेत्रमा कार्यरत सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी संस्था र स्यानिटरी प्याड बनाउने उद्योग बीच बृहत छलफल भएको छ ।