News Watch

Improper disposal of medical waste is putting garbage collectors—and the public—at risk

Despite governmental regulations, a number of hospitals and clinics are not segregating their waste properly, leaving needles and body parts for general waste collectors.

Many medical institutions in Kathmandu are still failing to maintain waste disposal standards for hazardous waste due to lack of knowledge and resources, putting both workers and the environment at risk.


Sometime last year, a strong smell of rotting flesh started to emanate from the waste dumping area of the Bir Hospital. Workers from Metrocity Waste Management, which collects Bir Hospital’s general waste, started to sift through the garbage. Metrocity Waste Management collects non-risk general waste from hospitals, clinics, medical shops, medical laboratories and households. They soon found the source of the smell—an amputated leg. This was the second time in a year that workers had found a body part in the general waste.

Read more: Improper disposal of medical waste is putting garbage collectors—and the public—at risk

पानी सञ्चयका लागि अध्ययन

(पर्वत) — यसपटक मनुसुनी वर्षा न्यून भयो । बेसीका किसानले धान रोप्न पाएनन् । लेकमा कोदो सप्रिएन । यी र मौसमसँग सम्बन्धित कारण खोज्दै प्राविधिक टोली यतिबेला जिल्लाको लेकाली बस्तीमा पुगेको छ । भू तथा जलाधार व्यवस्थापन कार्यालयले लेकाली जमिनमा पानीको सतह व्यवस्थापन तथा पानीको पुनर्भरण पोखरी व्यवस्थापनका लागि सम्भाव्यता अध्ययन गरिरहेको छ । लेकाली खर्कका सिमसार क्षेत्रमा पानीको स्रोत व्यवस्थापन गरी पोखरी निर्माण गर्नेबारे सम्भाव्यता अध्ययन थालिएको हो । लेकाली डाँडाका टुप्पामा परेको वर्षातको पानी अडिन नपाउँदा तल्लो क्षेत्रमा पानीका मुल सुक्ने, पानीका नियमित स्रोत हराउँदै जाने, मुल सर्नेजस्ता समस्याले जलवायुमा नकारात्मक असर पुर्‍याएको छ ।

Read more: पानी सञ्चयका लागि अध्ययन

Valley towards groundwater crisis

KATHMANDU: Cocking a snook at the acute water crisis, groundwater extraction is rampant in the Kathmandu Valley. 
Though the Valley requires around 220 million litres of water daily, the supply is pegged at half of that — approximately 100 million litres.

Read more: Valley towards groundwater crisis

Waste segregation a must for every household in KMC

Kathmandu Metropolitan City is set to make it mandatory for each household to segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable household waste. According to the metropolis, it has started collecting segregated waste in Wards 12, 18 and 21 as a pilot project. KMC will collect biodegradable waste for four days (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) and non-biodegradable waste on Monday and Wednesday every week.

Read more: Waste segregation a must for every household in KMC

Melamchi project payment row could hinder work yet again

Vendors and suppliers hired by the previous contractor, Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti di Ravenna, threaten stir over unpaid dues.

Work at the Melamchi Water Supply Project has been halted since last December.

Read more: Melamchi project payment row could hinder work yet again

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