
शंकर आधारभूत जिल्लाकै सफा स्कूल

जिल्लाकै सफा घोषित शंकर आधारभूत विद्यालयलाई प्रोत्साहन रकम र प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान गर्दै जिल्ला शिक्षा अधिकारी टंक गौतमलगायत । तस्बिर : भीम चापागाईं

शौचालयमा खानेपानी र हात धुने सुविधा, महिनावारी स्वच्छताका लागि सेनेटरी प्याड, फोहोर प्याड जलाउन इन्सिनेटर अादि राखिएकाे छ

Read more: शंकर आधारभूत जिल्लाकै सफा स्कूल

उपभोक्ताको स्वास्थ्य जोखिममा

ललितपुर- काठमाडौं उपत्यका खानेपानी लिमिटेड (केयूकेएल) ले चापागाउँमा वितरण गरेको पानी ट्यांकीमा जथाभावी औषधि हाल्ने गरेको पाइएको छ। चापागाउँ, सातदोबाटो र सुनाकोठी क्षेत्रका उपभोक्ताको धारामा जडान भएको पुरानो टयांकीमा बिनामापन किटाणु मार्ने औषधि (ब्लिचिङ पाउडर) प्रयोग गरेको स्थानीयले बताएका छन्।

Read more: उपभोक्ताको स्वास्थ्य जोखिममा

Toilet waste to Biogas system – local know how and partnership

The amount of human excreta collected at a newly built public toilet has eventually turned into treasure for the families there, thanks to a simple technology recently been adopted by the hospital.

Read more: Toilet waste to Biogas system – local know how and partnership

“Kathmandu should go for community-level initiatives to manage faecal sludge,” says Gallagher

David Kevin Gallagher, Chairperson of  AEROSAN is shocked to see how this beautiful city Kathmandu has been turned into one of the most unmanaged cities of the world in last 50 years.

Read more: “Kathmandu should go for community-level initiatives to manage faecal sludge,” says Gallagher

Tradition of Closing the Loop of Poo & Pee

How could it simply be possible that one of the selected well-managed settlements of the South Asia did not have any systematic sewage management? Some foreign-returned urban planners often raise this question when they think about urban planning of Kathmandu Valley.

Read more: Tradition of Closing the Loop of Poo & Pee

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