Quake victims find solution to water woes


Kathmandu, April 18

Around 52 earthquake victim families at Liwali of Bhaktapur have been able to solve their water woes by practising rainwater harvesting. Quake victims have constructed a reservoir with capacity of 100,000 litres which has ended water scarcity at their temporary camp.

Read more: Quake victims find solution to water woes

Public toilets in sorry state

Himalayan News Service Kathmandu, April 10

With toilet operators becoming more profit-oriented, most public toilets in Kathmandu Metropolitan City are in a sorry state. Kathmandu Metropolitan City gives the responsibility of maintaining these toilets to the private sector through tender for a year. But whoever gets the tender focuses only on collecting money from people who use public toilets.

Read more: Public toilets in sorry state

Businesses and Rainwater Harvesting/Recharge

-Tyler McMahon, SMART PAANI

Kathmandu’s groundwater problem is compounded by several factors. More than 50 billion liters
are blocked from recharging the ground, instead running off paved surfaces carrying pollutants
into the Bagmati and preventing shallow aquifers (inaar) from being recharged.

Read more: Businesses and Rainwater Harvesting/Recharge

काठमाडौंमा ई—ट्वाइलेट कि स्मार्ट

मानिसले औसतमा हरेक ३ घण्टामा पिसाव फेर्नु पर्ने भएकोले यस अनुपातमा सार्वजनिक शौचालय निर्माण गर्न सुझाव

चन्द्रमणि भट्टराई
चैत्र २८

काठमाडौँ । काठमाडौंका सार्वजनिक शौचालय, ई—ट्वाइलेट कि स्मार्ट, महानगरले छलफल शुरु गरेको छ । परम्परागत शौचालय व्यवस्थापन जनस्वास्थ्य र सहरी मापदण्ड अनुकुल नभएको चर्चाले दोहोरिँदै गुनासो आउने क्रम चलेकै बेला, सार्वजनिक निजी साझेदारी इकाइले यस्तो बहस चलाएको हो ।

Read more: काठमाडौंमा ई—ट्वाइलेट कि स्मार्ट

Water, Environment and Climate Change: Knowledge Sharing and Partnership

conference: Making Rainwater a serious business

The International Conference on ";Water, Environment and Climate Change: Knowledge Sharing
and Partnership" conducted 10-12 April at Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu. Rt. Hon. Vice
President Nanda Kishor Pun, Democratic Federal Republic of Nepal, inaugurated the

Read more: Water, Environment and Climate Change: Knowledge Sharing and Partnership

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