खुल्ला दिसामुक्त नेपाल : सार्वजनिक शौचालय नहुँदा पीडा

काठमाण्डौ – देश खुल्ला दिसामुक्त क्षेत्र घोषणा भैसकेको छ । तर शहर र राजमार्गमा समेत सार्वजनिक शौचालय नहुँदा बटुवा र यात्रुले चर्को समस्या झेल्नुपरेको छ । मंगलबार विश्व चर्पी दिवस मनाइरहँदा नेपालमा सार्वजनिक शौचालयको निर्माण र व्यवस्थापनको मुद्दा पेचिलो बनेको छ ।विश्वमा सन् २००१ देखि चलेको चर्पी निर्माण अभियानको महत्वलाई आत्मसात गर्दै संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघले सन् २०१३ देखि नोभेम्बर १९ लाई विश्व चर्पी दिवसका रूपमा मनाउन थालेको हो ।

Read more: खुल्ला दिसामुक्त नेपाल : सार्वजनिक शौचालय नहुँदा पीडा

When nature calls, where do you go in Kathmandu? https://tkpo.st/2ptQpIF

 The city utterly lacks public toilets, and if there are some, they are disgusting and they stink. 

None of the public toilets meets the proper sanitation measures.

Chetana Tamang is a bachelor level student at Ratna Rajya Campus. What troubles her every time she is at the college is finding a place when nature calls. “The condition of the toilets here at the college is so pathetic that I have to find a restaurant nearby to relieve myself,” said the 21-year-old college girl. “At times, I just skip class.” Tamang said while college lavatories are unusable, she cannot even think of public toilets in Kathmandu.

Read more: When nature calls, where do you go in Kathmandu? https://tkpo.st/2ptQpIF

अब पूर्ण सरसफाइको लक्ष्य घोषणा गरिन्छ : बिना मगर

खुला दिसामुक्त देश घोषणा गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ, कस्ता योजना बनाउनुभएको छ ?
सन् २०३० सम्म दिगो विकासका लक्ष्य हासिल गर्न पूर्ण सरसफाइयुक्त नेपाल निर्माण गर्ने हाम्रो संकल्प छ । खुला दिसामुक्त राष्ट्र घोषणापछि हामीले पूर्ण सरसफाइका क्रियाकलाप अगाडि बढाउँछौँ । पूर्ण सरसफाइका ६ सूचकमध्ये चर्पीको समूचित प्रयोग, व्यक्तिगत सरसफाइ, सुरक्षित पानीमा पहुँच तथा प्रयोग, सुरक्षित खानाको प्रयोग, घरायसी एवं संस्थागत सरसफाइ र वातावरणीय सरसफाइका सूचकहरू पूरा गर्न रणनीतिक योजनाका साथ अभियान सञ्चालन गर्छौं । 

Read more: अब पूर्ण सरसफाइको लक्ष्य घोषणा गरिन्छ : बिना मगर

Women-friendly toilet in city stressed

Canadian Deputy High Commissioner to India, with concurrent accreditation to Nepal and Bhutan, Deirdre Kent suggested that public toilets should be more women-friendly.Kent said so during a field visit to a recently built ‘environmentally, socially and economically sustainable’ public toilet at Ratnapark today. She said though public toilets were essential for everyone, concerned agencies should focus on building infrastructure suitable for women.

Read more: Women-friendly toilet in city stressed

Nepal declared open defecation free, but people are still relieving themselves outdoors

Many households in the Tarai districts do not have toilets due to financial constraints and lack of land.

A toilet in Rangpur village of Yashodhara Rural Municipality in Kapilvastu.  Manoj Poudel /TKP

In December last year, Rautahat was declared “open defecation free” district. While gaining the ODF status, Rautahat became the third district in Province 2 and 63rd district across the country to achieve the feat. According to local authority’s data, a total of 82,767 toilets were constructed in the last three years. Like any other district, the ODF declaration was celebrated amidst much fanfare.

Read more: Nepal declared open defecation free, but people are still relieving themselves outdoors

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