About the campaign

“Safe Menstruation: Right and Dignity” is a Menstrual Hygiene Management campaign initiated by GUTHI. The campaign focuses on promoting menstrual hygiene awareness and breaking irrelevant menstrual myths and taboos. GUTHI will be running a social media campaign through facebook. Many youths and relevant personalities have been supporting GUTHI.

We encourage everyone to join this campaign participating in the various activities and events through the following links; 

Visit page: https://www.facebook.com/guthinp/ and https://www.facebook.com/periodtalks/

Write to us for more E-mail: mail@guthi.net

Menst​rual Hygiene Management Campaign

Menstrual Pads Can’t Fix Prejudice

By Chris Bobel

March 31, 2018

The period is finally having its moment.

Read more: Menstrual Pads Can’t Fix Prejudice

'छाउ बार्न' धामीकै दबाब

गाउँले आफूकहाँ हेराउन आएका बेला धामी काम्दै गरेकी शान्ता कठायत । अन्नपूर्ण

Read more: 'छाउ बार्न' धामीकै दबाब

Comic for period revolution

Menstrupedia Comic, an accessible guide to menstruation that follows the journey of three adolescent girls spreads period-positivity.

Read more: Comic for period revolution

Periodically untouchable

At the age of 13, menstrual cycle, for me, was about a beautiful transition into womanhood. At the age of 14, it became a harsh reality.

-Aditi Lamichane

Read more: Periodically untouchable

छुन नहुने महिला

छोरी जन्मिँदा मन खिन्न पार्ने नेपाली समाज पूर्णरूपमा बदलिन बाँकी छ । भविष्यमा घरबाट बिदाइ हुनुपर्ने जाति भन्दै ग्रामीण भेगका अभिभावकले पठनपाठनमा चासो नदिने र सधैं घरायसी काममा लगाइरहने चलन र सोचाइ कुनै नौलो विषय होइन । महिनावारी भएको बखत महिलालाई छुन नहुने र उनीहरू छुट्टै बस्नुपर्ने मान्यता बोकेको समाजमा नै हामी हुर्किएका छौं ।

Read more: छुन नहुने महिला

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