Menst​rual Hygiene Management Campaign

‘महिनावारी हुँदा पनि इँटा बोक्छु

भक्तपुरको जगातीस्थित एक इँटा भट्टामा काँचो इँटा बोकिरहेका महिला कामदार ।

तस्विर : हेमन्त श्रेष्ठ/कान्तिपुर

Read more: ‘महिनावारी हुँदा पनि इँटा बोक्छु

Nepal police investigate death of girl banished for menstruating

Police in Nepal are investigating the death of a 15-year-old girl who was banished to a poorly-ventilated shed because she was menstruating.

Read more: Nepal police investigate death of girl banished for menstruating

MHM: A Need or a Luxury

Discussion on prevalent menstrual taboos 

Read more: MHM: A Need or a Luxury

Modern Nepalese Society and Menstruation

Breaking Menstrual Taboos

Read more: Modern Nepalese Society and Menstruation

Dignity Denied!!

Women are often identified by the periodic hormonal change and mood swings along with the completion of monthly ovulation cycle should be liable to hold every secret as a special agent regarding her menstrual matter. Why not?? After all, her dignity lies on concealing.  But concealing from whom?? Isn’t it the menstrual matter that decides sexual orientation of a person? A girl becomes female because she bleeds. Still, the menstrual issues are always neglected on our behavior, our WASH policy?

Read more: Dignity Denied!!

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