News Watch

Fund-Raising Deusi Bhailo Program for Child Education Support

On the auspicious occasion of the festival of lights, GUTHI organized a fund-raising Deusi-Bhailo Program on 18 October, 2017 with an objective to support the education of earthquake affected children in Bhaktapur and drop-out students at Bansighat Community Center.

Read more: Fund-Raising Deusi Bhailo Program for Child Education Support

Earthquake victims build reservoir to end water woes

Bhaktapur, November 21

Even as residents of Kathmandu Valley are grappling with water shortage with the beginning of dry season, earthquake victims of Liwali, Bhaktapur, have little to worry about.

Read more: Earthquake victims build reservoir to end water woes

स्वचालित शौचालय

काठमाडौं । नेपालमा पहिलो पटक आफैँ चालु हुने ‘स्वचालित’ नामक विद्युतीय शौचालय सञ्चालनमा आएको छ । डोल्पाका ३५ वर्षीय युवा इन्जिनियर रविन्द्र शाहीले दुई वर्ष लगाएर स्वचालित शौचालय तयार पारी सञ्चालनमा ल्याएका हुन् ।

Read more: स्वचालित शौचालय

Rainwater collection for our water woes

KATHMANDU, Nov 23: Nepal is the second richest country in the world in water resources. 
This is a statement that most of the Nepali people know by heart. And yet,most of them don't know where the water is.

Read more: Rainwater collection for our water woes

सफा छैनन् शिक्षालयका शौचालय

काठमाडौं । काभ्रेको पनौतीका १८ वर्षीया आरजु श्रेष्ठ जस्तोसुकै आपत परेपनि शौच गर्न भने घरै पुग्छिन् । विद्यालयको शौचालय सास फेर्नै नसक्ने गरी फोहोर छ । उनी कक्षा बीचमै छोडेर घरै पुग्छिन् । नजिकै घर भएकाले उनी यसो गर्न सक्छिन् । टाढा हुनेहरू या त त्यही फोहोमा काम चलाउँछन् या त अलिक पर कतै गएर छेलिएर काम चलाउँछन् । 

Read more: सफा छैनन् शिक्षालयका शौचालय

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